
Remove Cat Urine Stains and Smells from Your Couch

cat sleeping on the couch

Cats can be some of the most low-maintenance and lovable companions in our lives. But that doesn’t stop them from having the occasional accidents around the house. The unmistakable scent of your kitty’s urine can be overwhelming, especially when it soaks into your furniture. We’ve gathered our best recommendations for removing the smell and the stain of cat pee from your couches and other upholstered furniture so that you can get back to loving your little fuzzball in no time.

Spray Away


Whether its a store-bought pet stain spray or your own effective mixture, sometimes a good spray can be exactly what you need to combat stains and smells. If you haven’t found a spray cleaner that has worked for your home’s pet stains yet, we have a few different solutions you can try. Vinegar, because of its acidity, is a great odor neutralizer and stain remover. You can try this DIY spray method if you want to use a household product rather than a store-bought spray:

  • Mix together a 1-to-1 ratio of white vinegar and water. You can also use apple cider vinegar instead, depending on what is available to you.
  • Blot the affected area until most of the urine has been removed and then spray your solution onto the stain.
  • Use a rag or paper towel to blot the solution into the stain and then absorb the urine. Repeat this until the stain is dry and the odor has been removed and the area is dry.



If you find that there is still a lingering odor after cleaning the stain, that’s okay. Cat urine can leave a stubborn and overwhelming scent even after a thorough cleaning. For stubborn odors, try this method:

  • Clean the affected area with your chosen cleaner and allow the area to fully dry.
  • Sprinkle a light amount of baking soda onto the upholstery, or carpet, and allow it to sit for about 15 to 30 minutes. Be sure not to use too much baking soda as it will be difficult to remove larger amounts.
  • Vacuum the area thoroughly, paying extra care to remove all of the baking soda so that no lingering odors remain.
  • Allow the area to sit before checking for remaining odors. Repeat the process as necessary.


Break Out the Heavy-Duty Supplies



Sometimes hand cleaning pet stains just isn’t effective enough. Lingering odors are always a risk and can leave your home smelling like a litter box long after the stains themselves have been cleaned. If your kitty has left you with a stubborn stain and odor problem, don’t worry, there’s a solution. We’ve found that the most successful method outside of a spray is using a fabric cleaning machine. Many popular models of carpet cleaners and some steamers have settings that can be used for upholstery and other fabric surfaces in your home. You can also find a designated upholstery cleaning machine to use in your home, these can be useful long-term investments if you live with several pets. Whenever you use any cleaning machine to treat pet stains and odors, be sure to completely read any manufacturer’s instructions for the device and cleaning instructions for the particular furniture you intend to clean. Tougher stains can require multiple uses of the device, so be sure to use it correctly and according to instructions for the best results possible.



Keeping Things Under Control



If you find that your cat is peeing on the upholstery and other areas in the home where it shouldn’t be, there may be deeper problems you should address. First, make sure you take a look at your cat’s litter box to see if it is full or dirty. Make sure you’re cleaning the litter box out regularly and using a litter that is a good match for your cat. Remember that every cat has different tolerances so it can be a good idea to test a few litters over the course of a few weeks to see how your cat reacts to each of them. Second, make sure you are not using an ammonia-based cleaner when removing urine stains. Cat urine has a very similar scent to ammonia and using these cleaners can leave a scent that will attract your cat back to the area when they need to pee. We suggest you stick with regular pet stain and odor cleaners from the store or try one of our recommended cleaning solutions. If your cat has had no problems with peeing outside the litter box in the past and you’ve found this to be a recent change, it may be time to contact your vet. Peeing outside the litter box can be a sign of poor health in cats so make sure to be aware of any other changes in your cat’s behavior or diet. We offer professional cleaning services to make your life easier.


Did any of our tips and tricks help in your home? Feel free to let us know in the comments, we’d love to hear from you. If you are struggling with stubborn stains and odors in your home, we’ve got you covered. Contact our Houston maid service today and find out how we can help you!


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