
How to Make Homemade Window Cleaner Cleanzen Infographic


Both the interior and exterior of your home’s windows can grow filthy over time. On the inside, they can gather dust, hand smudges, pet nose prints and more. The exterior is exposed to all of the grime that wind, rain and other elements carry. Some outside windows may also have signs of pets, hand smudges, spider webs and other things.


When your home’s windows are dirty, the light is partially blocked. As a result, the rooms have a darker, dreary look. In addition, your view looking outward is also partially impaired. By learning how to make homemade window cleaner, you can more easily stay on top of your window cleaning chores.

Reasons Why Homemade Window Cleaner Is Best


There seems to be no end to the number of window cleaning products available. In addition to window-specific cleaners, some general-purpose cleaning products are marketed as being suitable for glass. Unfortunately, many of these products leave smudges or a film behind. It may feel like the windows continue to be dirty no matter how much you spray and scrub them.


A Kid Cleaning Window with Mom Happily


In addition, many store-bought cleaning products contain unhealthy elements. They can cause eye, skin and respiratory tract irritation. They also can cost a small fortune, especially given how much glass requires cleaning around your house on a regular basis.


Homemade window cleaner is easy to make. It is also safe to use and is usually more effective than store-bought window cleaning products. You can also make it for a fraction of the cost.


When to Wash Your Windows


When your home’s windows are dirty, natural sunlight is partially blocked and cannot be fully enjoyed from inside the home. In addition, dirty windows can make the space look drab even after it has recently been cleaned.


As grime builds up on your windows, the cleaning project becomes increasingly difficult. It is best to stay on top of this important chore. The interior of your home‘s windows should be deep cleaned seasonally. The exterior should be cleaned twice a year. You should also clean the glass as needed in between these cleaning sessions.


What is the Best Homemade Window Cleaning Solution?


The ingredients for the best homemade window cleaning solution are distilled white vinegar and dish soap. Lemon juice and essentials can also be used to improve the smell. White vinegar and lemon juice are acidic, so they effectively cut through dirt, dust and grease that are commonly found on windows. It can also break down stubborn spots, making them easy to scrub off.


In a spray bottle, combine a quarter-cup of white vinegar with a few drops of the dish soap. Then, add two cups of warm water. If you want to improve the smell, this is also the time to add your essential oils or lemon juice. Put the lid on, and shake the bottle thoroughly. Spray this liquid on the windows, and wipe the glass down with a microfiber cloth or a squeegee.


If you want to simplify it, you can just use vinegar and water. Check out the results of this two-ingredient homemade glass cleaner:


Homemade window cleaner!

♬ original sound – Ceith Griffith


Tips for Cleaning Windows


  • Use distilled vinegar to tackle greasy, grimy windows.
  • Use a squeegee or microfiber cloth.
  • Clean the tracks and frames semi-annually.
  • Add 10 to 15 drops of essential oil to improve the smell.
  • Use warm or hot water rather than cold water.
  • Clean on a cloudy, mild day.


  • Use ammonia or ammonia-based products on windows.
  • Jeopardize your safety by extending your reach on a ladder.
  • Let the grime build up by procrastinating.




How Can I Deep Clean My Windows?

Deep cleaning your windows involves cleaning the glass on both sides of the windows as well as the frames and tracks. Make a special cleaning solution consisting of three parts white vinegar and one part water for the tracks and frames. For the glass, combine a few drops of liquid dish soap with white distilled vinegar, lemon juice and your preferred essential oil into a spray bottle. Spray the windows, and use a microfiber cloth or a squeegee to wipe down the glass.


What is the Best Way to Clean Windows Without Streaking?

Many store-bought cleaning products contain ammonia. This ingredient unfortunately leaves a residue on the windows. The best way to clean windows without creating streaks is to use a special mixture of distilled vinegar, a few drops of liquid dish soap, a few drops of essential oils and lemon juice. Also, use a microfiber cloth to wipe the glass clean.


Is Alcohol or Vinegar Better for Cleaning Windows?

Both rubbing alcohol and white vinegar can be used to clean windows. Alcohol is particularly beneficial when removing sticky residue from the glass. However, rubbing alcohol dries quickly, which can contribute to streaking. Because of this, distilled white vinegar is best for cleaning windows.


How Do You Clean Outside Windows?


A man Cleaning the windows at home


Before cleaning the outside of your home’s windows, wait for the ideal weather conditions. The sunshine can cause the cleaner to dry quickly, so it is best to clean on a mild, cloudy day. Clean the tracks and frame first. Then, spray down the glass. Use a squeegee to remove the liquid and dirt. You may need to repeat this step several times. If you cannot reach the windows, a professional cleaner is necessary.


Getting spot-free windows and mirrors is only one of many challenges associated with cleaning your house. The good news is that you don’t have to lug around a bin of harmful cleaning products, a mop, a broom and other gear to enjoy a clean home. Learn more about how our professional services at cleanzen.com/philadelphia can help you by contacting us today.


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